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GEArb UFSC amongst the best teams at CAEMP

06/04/2019 19:10

The UFSC Team, formed by law students that are part of GEArb (International Arbitration Study Group), coordinated by Professor Aline Beltrame de Moura​, ​participated in the 5th CAEMP, Competição de Arbitragem Empresarial, held at the Pontificial Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, from March 22nd to March 24th, 2019.

26 teams formed by law students and attorneys from all over the contry participated in the competition.

​Our team was formed by the following UFSC law students: André Xavier, Bruno Benato, Gabriel Masiero, Marco Pascoali, Mario Guedes, Murillo Preve, Paulo Ribeiro, Thiago Ferreira and Vitor Esmanhotto​.

Professor Orlando Neto, postgraduate student Vanessa Brand and the attorneys ​Filipe Senhorinha Röse​ and Gianluca Moser​ helped us prepare for the competition.

The Extension Dean (PROEX) and UFSC Law School gave us financial help for our participation in the competition to be possible.

The team achieved the following results:

– Best Memorandum for Respondent;

– 5th best Memorandum for Claimant;

– 2nd place in the general rounds, which takes into account both the memoranda and the oral rounds score;

– 3rd place in the qualifying oral rounds;

– 2nd best Memoranda score, which takes into account both Memorandum for Claimant and Memorandum for Respondent score;

– Reaching the quarter finals;

– Two speakers amongst the top 10 of the competition: Gabriel Masiero in 4th place and Marco Antônio Pascoali in 8th place.

That was the first time a team from the state of Santa Catarina participated in the dispute, and also the best result ever obtained by a team from Santa Catarina in an arbitration moot in Brazil.

In the next weeks, we will begin the selection process for the students who will represent UFSC at the X CAMARB, the greates arbitration moot in Brazil, to be held in October.