21/08/2018 09:33

CAEMP (acronym for Business Arbitration Competition, in Portuguese) is an annual competition promoted by PUC-RS, held in Porto Alegre. The competition concerns a fictional case that involves important topics of arbitration and corporate law, allowing students to perform as attorneys for both parties in two moments: in the writing submissions and oral hearings.

In the last edition, besides the arbitration issues, the case also addressed points related to judicial recovery, such as discussions regarding the validity of close-out netting provisions due to the debtor’s request for judicial recovery; demandability of credits from guarantee provided by a company in judicial recovery and the submission of credits guaranteed  by mortgage or fiduciary alienation offered by a third party in relation to the effects of the judicial recovery.

Also, in this edition, the UFSC team achieved the award for best memorandum for respondent. Also, it reached the quarter finals and had two of its oralists (Gabriel Masiero and Marco Pascoali) figuring among the best oralists in the competition. It was the best performance a team from Santa Catarina ever had in an arbitration competition.